
Do’s & Don’ts of Safe Sleep For Babies

This week is Safer Sleep Week, brought to us by The Lullaby Trust. The trust works tirelessly to raise awareness of SIDS and how to reduce the risk. What is…

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How Much Does a Nanny Cost in London?

This question is the most popular enquiry we get from parents! How much does it cost to hire a nanny in London? Here are a few things to consider when…

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An Expert Career Guide For Nannies

We have developed a special Nanny Professional Career Guide and workbook for Nannies, to help guide and perhaps give structure to their career path. Stuck in a rut? I see…

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How Long Does It Take To Find The Right Nanny?

I get asked this ALL the time! The answer is actually different for every family. However….finding a nanny is NOT a quick process. You cannot rush it-FACT. If you do, there is…

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DBS Checks – What Are They & Do Nannies Need Them?

What Is A DBS Check? The Disclosure and Barring Service helps employers make safer recruitment decisions. DBS checks are especially important in finding suitable candidates to work with vulnerable groups,…

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Insurance for nannies image

Insurance For Nannies

During our Registration Interview I ask our candidates if they have Nanny insurance. I would estimate only 20% of nannies have Nanny Insurance, unless they are Ofsted registered, where having…

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What To Include on Your CV As a Nanny

Here at The Nanny Connection, as you can imagine, we see lots of Nanny CV’s! Over the years I have been very shocked at the quality of some of the CV’s….

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Children’s Car Seat Safety

Car Seat Safety-Do you know the Law and how to fit a car seat correctly? Any child carer who transports children in a car should be fully aware of child…

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Gross v Net Nanny Salaries

Almost all UK industries quote and pay in gross terms, but for the nanny industry this sometimes does not happen. Many years ago, for some reason, nannies and families starting…

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Is There a Shortage Of Nannies In Your Area?

It has been reported in a few papers as of October 2021, that there is a Nanny and Au pair shortage, and parents are finding it hard to find childcare….

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What Has Changed For Au Pairs Since Brexit?

Although The Nanny Connection does not provide au pairs, we do believe Au Pairs were an important part of the childcare sector. It was an affordable option for many families…

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Shared Care Nanny Top Tips

Are you working in a Shared Care role? Working in a shared care role can have some challenges. When we listen to Nannies’ reasons why they prefer not to work…

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Any Questions?

We would be delighted to discuss any questions you may have! Please do not hesitate to contact us.