
How Much Is a Nanny Salary in London?

When deciding on how and what to pay your Nanny, if you are employing them, (not hiring a self employed Nanny) you will hear three terms being talked about. This can get…

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Connecting with nanny

The Importance Of Connection As a Nanny

The ability to connect with others, whether in personal or professional setting, requires a combination of social skills, emotional intelligence, and effective communication. Some people may be naturally better at…

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Nanny review

How To Conduct a Nanny Performance Review

A nanny becomes an essential part of the family, taking care of your children, and ensuring they receive the necessary attention and care while you are away. Just like any…

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How To Trust a Nannies Professional Judgement

I speak to many families about their childcare search daily. We go through all the different types of nanny there are, what stage of their career they are at and…

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Red flags for nannies

How To Identify Red Flags As a Nanny

As a nanny, it’s important to be mindful of any red flags that may arise during the hiring process or while working for an employer. Here are some red flags…

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How to become a nanny

How To Become a Nanny

Its National Careers Week and I thought I would highlight how to become a Nanny. Starting a career as a nanny can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for those…

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Avoid micro managing your nanny

How To Avoid Micro-Managing Your Nanny

Recently I have has some nannies express concern about how their employer is trying to “micro-manage” them and how it effects their mental health in the workplace. It’s important to avoid micromanaging…

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Different Childcare Styles – Do you align with your nanny?

When employing a Nanny, one of the most common questions that are not discussed at interview is the parent/nanny childcare styles they use day to day. There are many different approaches…

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Develop as a Nanny

Developing in Your Nanny Role

In any employment, to progress, you need to accept feedback. This could be about your performance as a Nanny, organisational skills, how quickly you get work done, a certain skillset…

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Work patterns

What Do Changes In Work Patterns Mean For Nannies?

A recent article by the BBC and in The Telegraph, have suggested that after Covid, with workers starting to return to the office, our normal Monday-Friday working pattern is changing….

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New Nannies

Our Tips For Starting a New Nanny Role

With a new year approaching, many nannies will be starting a new job, so we thought we would write a blog on our top tips of a smooth start with…

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The perfect nanny

How To Find The Perfect Nanny Role For You

When we interview our Nannies, we have a certain list of questions we ask, so we can zone in on what is important to that individual nanny. This criteria helps with…

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Any Questions?

We would be delighted to discuss any questions you may have! Please do not hesitate to contact us.