
Maternity Nurse

The Benefits of a Maternity Nurse for Your Newborn Baby

Bringing a newborn baby into the world is a wonderful occasion, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially for first-time parents. In the hustle and bustle…

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Nanny Salaries

Navigating the Path to Prosperity: Understanding Nannies’ Wages in the UK for both Employers and Nannies

The United Kingdom has a diverse and dynamic nanny industry, where wages can vary hugely based on experience, qualifications, and the responsibilities involved. Salaries are a hot topic at the…

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Roles of nannies

The Different Blended Roles of Nannies-Juggling Hats!

Being a nanny is far more than just a job; it’s a multifaceted role that requires wearing numerous hats throughout the day. Nannies play a crucial role in the lives…

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Time for change

Navigating the Delicate Process of Transitioning Nannies: A Guide for Employers

Hiring a nanny is a crucial decision for any family. However, situations may arise where an employer feels the need to look for a new nanny while still employing their…

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ANA logo

Nurturing Futures: A Glimpse into ANAUK- Association of Nanny Agencies in the UK

We are pleased to announce we are now a member of ANAUK. We are proud to be part of this network and what the association stands for. Who are ANA…

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Jobs for Nannies

A Nanny’s Guide When Job Hunting to Find the Right Employer

Finding the right match with an employer is as crucial as finding the perfect pair of comfortable shoes for a long day. Just as the children you care for need…

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Nanny knowledge

The Importance of Knowledge as a Nanny

While soft skills like patience, compassion, and communication are undoubtedly vital, there is another aspect that often goes overlooked but is equally important- knowledge. You can gain knowledge through taking…

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Nurturing Nanny

The Importance of being Nurturing in a Nanny Role

Nannying is a profession that demands a unique set of skills, including the art of nurturing. Nurturing goes beyond providing the basics of food, safety, and shelter. It involves fostering…

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Back to school

Our Guide for Back to School as a Nanny

Preparing a child for back to school as a nanny involves a combination of practical and emotional support. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you get started: Re-establish Routines Begin adjusting the…

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Flexible Nannies

The Importance of Flexiblity in a Nanny role

A successful nanny is not only passionate, patient, organised and caring, but also adaptable and flexible. In this blog, we will explore the significance of flexibility in a nanny role,…

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Mental health

The Importance Of Mental Health For a Nanny Role

Nannies play a crucial role in shaping the lives of children and supporting families. While the responsibilities of a nanny may seem straightforward, the role itself can be complex, demanding,…

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Passion for Nannying

The Importance Of Passion As a Nanny

Being a nanny is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs one can have. It involves taking care of children, playing with them, teaching them new things, and helping…

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Any Questions?

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